Apron Of Love

Blog covering both the new and old episodes of the Asahi Television show 'Ai no Apron' or 'Apron of Love'

Monday, July 03, 2006

Yuuko Posts Are Coming

Just a brief note... since these will be buried in the archive.

The Ogura Yuuko episodes are being posted (the few that I have). I will link them all here as I put them up, in preparation for the recap of the June 14th episode. Which I have finally gotten around to watching and it is probably one of the best episodes yet. Hopefully it should be up by the end of the week.

Ogura Yuuko - Queen of Choco!

You Got Grapefruit In My Chocolate

Chocolate Croquette - Best Episode Ever

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Massive Updates

Decided to spend most of this weekend catching up on posting, and 4 new episodes from this year are now up for your enjoyment. Next on my plate is the return of Ogura Yuuko, one of my personal favorites. However, although this is the next episode in the airing order, I do want to go back and review some of her finer moments. So before moving forward, I'm going to take the time to move back and add her earlier episodes to the site.

I also spent a lot of time sorting through which episodes I actually have. I went back as far as I could on the official sites, to determine which ones are missing. I'm going to post a list here, just in case anyone has access to these missing episodes. If anyone has a lead on anything from 2001 and earlier, I have nothing from those years. I also have major gaps from 2002 - mid-2003, but I want to get actual dates for what I'm missing. If you have any of these, drop an e-mail.

As always, comments are appreciated and I hope everyone is enjoying the site.

Missing Episodes

07/12, 07/23, 08/30, 10/18, 11/29

01/17, 02/21, 03/13, 05/15, 05/29, 06/12, 07/24, 07/31, 08/07, 08/28, 12/08

01/12, 02/16, 03/16, 04/20, 04/27, 05/25